Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Road to Scripture

The Road to Scripture

Every time we open God’s Word, we hold a treasure in our hands.

Scripture has led many generations of God's people—uncountable lives, times, and cultures have been influenced and transformed by God’s Word throughout history. God’s Word is a treasure—a treasure we have at our fingertips.

Sometimes, all the richness of God’s Word may come with a challenge. How can we comprehend the nuances, the context, all the many stories and teachings within God’s Word?

“Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” Acts 8:35

In Acts 8, Philip, a follower of Jesus, crossed paths with an important official from Ethiopia who was reading the book of Isaiah, but struggling to understand it. Philip kindly helped him understand that the passage he was reading (Isaiah 53:7-8) was referring to Jesus and the death He would die for the sins of all. Philip shared the Gospel with this man, showing him how the prophecies of the past pointed to the Messiah, Jesus, and all He would do to save and redeem humanity.

Philip showed him that from the books of the law to the prophets, every part of Scripture points to our Savior. The man didn’t understand what he was reading, and God used that as an opportunity to open his eyes to the Gospel.

When you read the Bible, ask yourself: do I understand what I am reading?

When this man opened himself to understanding Scripture, he encountered Jesus and His love. He believed in him with his whole heart, and his spirit was transformed forever.

The transformation he experienced can be yours as well. Remember that:

1. The Bible tells the story of redemption through ‌Jesus and each book of the Bible points to Him in a beautiful way.

2. Jesus is alive and faithful to reveal himself to an open heart.

3. You aren’t alone on your Bible journey. Just like God sent Philip to teach the man from Ethiopia, he often puts people around us who we can learn from.

Today, take a moment to intentionally dive into Scripture. As you do so, seek Jesus in the text. Ask God what it says about His character. And ask yourself: how can this be applied to my life? How can it transform me?

At the end of today’s verse, the Bible says that the man from Ethiopia went on his way rejoicing. How can we not, when we realize how great God’s love is upon us?

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I'm reading the @YouVersion plan 'Eden to Eternity: A Year in the Bible With Daily Grace Chronological Plan'. Check it out here:

I'm reading the @YouVersion plan 'Eden to Eternity: A Year in the Bible With Daily Grace Chronological Plan'. Check it out here:

Monday, January 6, 2025

Bible Study for January 12, 2025

Hi everyone,

This Sunday sums up our sacred holidays of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany with the baptism of our Lord.  The Holy Trinity is revealed at the water:  Jesus, the Sonn and the one who has come, is in the water with the people; the Holy Spirit descends upon him; the voice of God comes from heaven.

In our assembly, the Holy Trinity is revealed each time we gather: the water of baptismal font; we have been gathered together in Christ by our baptism; the Holy Spirit, the presence of God, is given to us; the voice of God speaks here - in word and sacrament - calling us beloved children of God. 


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Bible Study for January 12, 2025

Opening Prayer:

Creator of all, we thank you for the opportunity to gather in study. Open our minds and hearts. By the power of the Holy Spirit, unite us in faith, hope, and love. Help us to be faithful to the gospel and to walk humbly with you. Grant us your peace as we grow in wisdom and understanding. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Luke 3:15-17,21-22 How do you respond to those that might question that Jesus is the Messiah in this day and age?

In 1000 B.C.—a millennium before John the Baptist—David became king of Judah and also Israel. The Jews remembered YHWH’s promise to David and looked for a descendant to rise as the anointed king or messiah, reunite the scattered peoples, and establish god’s reign of peace and prosperity. 

Each of the Synoptic Gospels treats Jesus’ baptism differently. Luke says only that “Jesus also had been baptized.” His focus is on what happened afterward: Jesus prayed; the heavens opened; and the Spirit descended “in bodily form like a dove”; and a heavenly voice spoke. Rabbis taught that when the last of the prophets of Israel departed, so did the Spirit; but that occasionally God caused a “daughter voice” to speak from heaven. After His baptism, the voice identified Jesus as “my Son,” thus connecting Him to Israel’s past when Isaac was the child of God’s promise to Abraham. Israel’s king was called the Son of God, and Israel itself was called God’s son. Identifying Jesus as God’s son not only points to his special relationship with God but also connects Him with the people’s messianic tradition. Here is the essence of the relationship between God and Jesus—the love that blesses and unites. Coming after Luke’s report that John is imprisoned, the baptism signals the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. 

Acts 8:14-17 What hostile situations exist today in your community or denomination? 

A single writer is the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Together they tell a continuous story. Hellenists in this account were Greek-speaking Jewish Christians who probably interpreted the Torah less stringently than the “Hebrews,” who were Aramaic-speaking Jewish Christians in the Jerusalem Church. The appointment of Philip represents the earliest expansion of Christianity into the Greek-speaking world, although he was still in Jerusalem among the Jews. Besides distributing food, Philip traveled north to Samaria on an evangelistic mission. Animosity had long existed between the Jews and Samaritans. They shared a common heritage through Jacob but differed radically in their respective commitments to Jerusalem and Mount Gerzim as sanctuaries and in their laws and purity codes. The Jews considered the Samaritans to be lax in their religious observances. Jews and the Samaritans avoided contact, as Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates. For Luke, Jesus’ ministry moved from Galilee (north of Samaria) toward Jerusalem in the south; then Christianity later moved outward from Jerusalem. Philip’s outreach to Samaria signifies the expansion and continuation of that work. 

God, your voice moves over the waters.
Immerse us in your grace,
mark us with your images,

and raise us to live our baptismal vows
empowered by the Holy Spirit
and the example of Christ our Lord,
in whose name we pray. Amen.

Your Night Prayer

A Night Prayer

Jesus Christ, my God, I adore You and thank You for all the graces You have given me this day. I offer You my sleep and all the moments of this night. I place myself and all my loved ones, wherever they may be, in Your sacred side and under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother. Let Your holy angels stand watch and keep us in peace. Amen.
Night Prayer Video Podcast

Quote of the Night

Today the Magi gaze in deep wonder at what they see: heaven on earth, earth in heaven, man in God, God in man, one whom the whole universe cannot contain now enclosed in a tiny body. As they look, they believe and do not question, as their symbolic gifts bear witness: incense for God, gold for a king, myrrh for one who is to die.— St. Peter Chrysologus

Tonight’s Meditation

I was recently giving a training session for new exorcists. A few were a little skittish, fearing demonic retaliation. I assured them they the ministry was safe. God would protect them. But I did add, "You need to up you game." I explained. Being an exorcist is like flying an airplane (I used to be the Air Force). It is very safe...but mistakes can be deadly. First, there is no such thing as a "little" sin. Any sin is awful. It is also a fissure that Satan can drive a wedge into. Do you have a problem with alcohol? Sexuality? Pornography? Disobedience? Arrogance? Self-hatred? Anger? Clean up your act first, and then come back. —P. 27 Stephen J. Rossetti
An excerpt from 
The Forty Parables of Jesus

Examination of Conscience

The daily examination of conscience is an ancient Catholic practice. It's very simple, and it's designed to help us identify our sins and weaknesses so that we can improve and grow stronger in the spiritual life. Basically, it consists in taking a few minutes at the end of the day to prayerfully review our actions in the light of God's commandments. The Act of Contrition is often said afterwards. The daily examination also serves as an excellent ongoing preparation for regular Confession.

Reflect on the victories and losses

Actively reflecting on the high and low points of the day can help you live more intentionally and bring a renewed sense of resolve into the following day.

  • Review your actions, words, and thoughts today. Did you actively guard yourself against temptation? Where did sin creep in?
  • In what moments did you practice virtue and moral courage?
  • Were you attuned to the Holy Spirit's promptings today? Where did you feel His inspiration?
  • Ask Him for the graces necessary to follow His Will more purposefully tomorrow.

Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.

Practice gratitude

It is God's love that has brought you into existence and to this exact moment. Practice looking for His hand in your day. 

  • Where did you feel His loving gaze upon you today?
  • What people or moments helped you see God in your life?
  • Thank God for all these moments!
  • Ask Him to help you recognize His blessings and providence tomorrow.

Renew your commitment to Christ

Remember our Faith is founded upon a Person—Christ! Renew your personal love and devotion to Him.

  • Thank God for the gift of His Son Jesus and our call to be His disciples.
  • Tell the Lord of your desire to know Christ more personally.
  • If possible, set an intention for your day tomorrow. Ask Our Lord to guide you in this act.
  • Pray a Hail Mary, Our Father, or another beloved prayer.

Rest with God

He determines the number of the stars, He gives to all of them their names.— Psalm 147:4
Good Catholic presents A Year of Devotions with Father Kirby.


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