Why Do Pain and Death Exist?
Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz
One of the most difficult questions we face is this: If God created the world, how come there is so much evil, pain, and suffering? Why does death exist? If God is so powerful, and if He is so involved in our world, why does it seem as if He is either powerless or unwilling to do anything about evil and suffering?
The Bible makes it clear that God did not create the world the way it is now. Evil, suffering, and death came about because of the disobedience and selfishness of human kind. By His very nature, God is a God of love, and He created humanity to love and glorify Him. But he did not create a race of beings who could do nothing but love Him. He created us with the freedom to choose between the benefits of His love and the consequences of sin.
God is not evil, nor did He create evil. As our representatives, Adam and Eve, the first humans chose sin over God, thereby infecting the entire human race (Romans 5:12). Although evil, suffering, pain, and death are present and very real, they are not here for good. In God’s eternal plan there is a new world coming where “there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4).
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