Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Feeling exhausted

Got this from a friend, Mike Joseph, who is a Ventura Sheriff. He had posted this on his Facebook page. He also volunteers with Special Olympics and gives so much of his time organizing the other officers to also volunteer.


Mike Joseph is image001.pngfeeling exhausted.

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This mandatory overtime assignment has been the shift from hell 👿👿👿Death has been knocking at the door but, thankfully, Saint Michael (Patron saint of Peace Officers) has lent me his shield to ward of the reaper!!!

Despite the stress and dread, I am grateful…grateful that I was able to make some kind of positive difference today. And, if not me, then who? Younger, less experienced officers will have plenty of years to experience their own trauma and “ghosts” of prior calls.


I can’t remember another shift like this:


12pm: Respond “Code 3” (Emergency Lights & Siren) to a two-year-old drowning in a motel pool.


1pm: Respond to an Animal Cruelty where two dogs are locked in a hot car.


2:30pm: Respond to check on the well-being of an 81 year old woman who hadn’t been heard from in 3 days (She was fine)


3pm: Respond to check on an 87 year old man who hadn’t been heard from in 3 days (He wasn’t fine!)…We entered through an unlocked door and found he had fallen and injured himself 2 days ago. He was hurt and dehydrated….If we hadn’t found him today, he would not have survived. We saved his life.🤔


Such suffering and anguish today. But everyone survived!!! I wish I had never been ordered to work today….But I am grateful for the opportunity to serve, protect, and carry the burden.


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