Healing the plague...
By Bobby Schuller, Hour of Power Pastor
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."
-Luke 12:32
Jesus very much wants his disciples - that includes all of us - to live lives that aren't constantly plagued by fear, worry, and anxiety. He wants us to live in this new reality called the kingdom of God. However, that kingdom, that reality, that way of living life is not all that present in the secular world and, frankly, not all that present in the Christian world, too often.
We live in a worrying world. We live in a worrying world because we are trained to worry. Every day we encounter things in our lives that tell us, brother, you ought to worry. Sister, you ought to worry. We are inundated with negative news.
I was watching a baseball game the other day. Go Angels! Then all of a sudden, a commercial for the news came on, saying, "Coming up after the game, new research reveals that your child may die tomorrow of a deadly disease. But first, a squirrel that can water ski!"
On our ways home, listening to the radio news, we hear things about the instability of powerful countries around the world. We hear about atomic bombs, violence in war-torn regions, terrorism, disease, the environment.
God wants us not to worry about those things. He doesn't want us to live with worry. He wants us to know that he has it all under control.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I know that you have it all under control. When I start to worry, I will turn my thoughts away from the negative and start to think only of you. Amen.
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