Waking up to a life with purpose...
"Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! Awaken the dawn."
-Psalm 57:8
By Dr. Lawrence Wilkes, Crystal Cathedral Pastor
Whenever Christ comes into anyone's life, there is a change. God awakens the soul...gone with the old and in with the new; gone with hopelessness and in with purposefulness.
Many years ago, a young man finished school and got a job. As he climbed the ladder of success, one day he thought to himself, "What's life all about? You're born, you're schooled, you get a job, get married, raise children, get old, retire, die, and it's over. What is life all about?"
Through the Spirit's guiding, that man began to read a Bible given to him a child. He innately knew his discontent had something to do with his relationship with God. As he read, he fell in love with the person of Jesus Christ, whose compassion was evident as he touched people and their lives were healed, restored, forgiven, and renewed.
Finally, one glorious day, it dawned on the young man what life was all about. He asked Jesus into his heart and into his life, and instantly that young man had a purpose, a new direction, a call from God into the ministry, and it changed his life forever. That young man is now an old man, and that old man is me.
Prayer: Lord,thank you for waking my soul and giving me purpose. Thank you for showing me that life apart from you is meaningless, but with you, I know where I'm going with each new dawn. Amen.
Reflection: Do you know what life is all about? If not, ask Jesus, and be ready for new day and new way of living a life with purpose.
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