Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

When Adversity Appears, Tackle It!

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When Adversity Appears, Tackle It!

Ever play rugby? Nah, me neither.
I learned quite a bit about the sport recently, though. My oldest son Kennedy, 10, began playing. Along the way, I was reminded of a very important life lesson.
Rugby, for those unfamiliar, is kind of like a non-stop rushing play in American football. The goal is the same: Get the ball across a line, defended by the opposing team, for a score (which in rugby is called a “try”).
In rugby, a player carries the ball and, prior to being tackled, tries to lateral it to a teammate. The recipient runs with the ball and, again when being tackled, attempts to pitch it to another teammate. This pretty much continues until a team scores, or the ball is turned over.
Body contact is frequent and violent. Action is near constant. It is not for the faint of heart.
As regular readers here know, my family loves football (the American type). We watch it together, plan vacations around it (i.e., Dudes Weekend last newsletter), and discuss it regularly during the season. You could honestly say we’re obsessed.
Kennedy’s friends recently invited him to join their rugby team. He accepted. Kennedy and Hudson, his younger brother, both play football. Well, rugby has similarities to football … and differences, too.
Suffice to say, Kennedy struggled. He lined up in wrong places on the rugby field. Dropped passes. Committed violations. He couldn’t figure it out.
Frustrated and emotionally wrung dry, he considered quitting. Thankfully, he didn’t.
Instead, Kennedy zoned in and worked even harder. He improved each game. His team went 3-0, qualifying for its league tournament.
They won a semifinal match to reach the championship … where Kennedy’s dedication finally paid off.
Late in the title game, Kennedy took a pitch – the first time he had touched the ball – and raced 50 yards for a try (i.e., a score). His teammates swarmed him. He was ecstatic. His team won the championship, finishing an unbeaten season.
Kennedy’s hard work was rewarded. He had found himself in a tough situation and, instead of backing down, dug in to get better. The result?
He succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable. We all know our capabilities and comfort zones. Personal growth, however, occurs outside those walls.
If we don’t widen our horizons, and challenge ourselves to try new things, we stagnate. Life can get boring very quickly. It is not a fate we should wish on anyone.
Not saying you should take up rugby … but if it sounds like fun, why not?
If you make it a habit of living outside of your comfort zone, it’s amazing what you’ll be able to accomplish!

Where Do You See a Need?

“Meanwhile the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers.”
– Acts 12:24
C-Suite for Christ continues to grow like well-watered grass in summer. The momentum has been stronger and faster than anyone could have dared to imagine.

With 10 chapters established just this year, the logical query is: Where’s next?

This is a literal question, by the way. I want to learn from you, our stakeholders and supporters, about where C-Suite for Christ should open its next chapter(s)!

Which town(s) would benefit from an organization dedicated to “Covering the World in Christ?” Where is the need for God’s love, and a group of dedicated disciples sharing it, greatest?

These can be places big and small. No population minimums apply. Remember that Jesus said, in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Reply to this message with your thoughts on where we should consider opening chapters. Explain why you chose this place(s). Are you feeling the call to lead God’s people? Has someone else expressed interest in bringing others together in His name?

We know, via statistics from our LinkedIn page, the places where we have many potential disciples without a home chapter. Nine of these U.S. cities have more than 1,000 LinkedIn users each following our faith-filled content!

We’ll soon announce our first international chapter. The sky’s the limit!
The only boundaries are how far our faith extends, and what we’ll do to share God’s Word … in a world that desperately needs to hear it.

Thus, I can’t wait to hear from you.

Remember Jesus’s prophetic words: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!”

Let’s Fix Your Call Script – for Free!

Got phone-phobia from too many failed cold calls? Wondering why your outreach to so many people – for sales, or job applications, or networking connections – falls flat?
It’s not you. It’s your call script.
Most call scripts are, frankly, lousy. They’re dull, or salesy, or way too impersonal. Remember, people buy people. You have to establish a personal connection in the opening seconds … or prepare for yet another “click.”
My Cold Call Script Review service fixes bad scripts. Normally it costs $29. As a thank-you for reading this newsletter, I’m going to offer it to you for free.
Contact me by Aug. 4, and I’ll send you a free personalized video review, with recommendations to transform your script from sour to successful!
Reply to this message with “Cold Call Script” in the subject line. Add a few lines beneath explaining the product or service you sell, and your target customer(s). Attach a Word document of your call script.
That’s all!
I’ll respond with suggestions for your script, and your needs. Quit wasting time and money on messaging that doesn’t work. I’ll tell you how. Let’s put this to bed, once and for all.
Want to take a deeper dive into successful sales practices, at your own pace? Cold Call University has worked with students in every U.S. state, and more than 130 foreign countries. It’s guaranteed to change not just how you make sales calls, but how you think about and approach them.
My Cold Call Training service offers customized instruction for individuals and groups. It’s available in person or virtually. I wrote a book about how to successfully cold call – I’d love the opportunity to teach you personally!
The first step is getting your script tuned up.
Contact me by Aug. 4, and let’s get to work!
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