Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Cold Call Coach

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Get in the Game!

August is a month of paradoxes.
Summer, which I love, is ending. In Wisconsin, we typically cram six months (or more) of activities into the three reliably warm months we enjoy. Thus, season’s end is a very big deal.
As someone who works from home, I enjoy having my three children around in summer. I’ll miss their healthy distraction when they return to school.
Late August also means, of course, that football season is right around the corner. As mentioned, many times, my family is football-obsessed. We can’t wait to gear up for the gridiron!
This year has an added dimension. My oldest son, Kennedy, is in his first year of full-on tackle football. He loved playing flag football for the past three years. A few weeks into this new level, his enthusiasm is greater than ever.
Between practices, scrimmages and (soon to be) games, his football team is a Monday-to- Saturday obligation. It’s a big commitment for a 10-year-old.
It’s a big one for me, too. I drive him to and from practice. The trip is roughly 20 minutes each way. I always stay and watch, too.
Once again, this is time I really don’t have to spare. Once again, it doesn’t matter. The experience is worth any amount of schedule-shuffling I must do.
Kennedy plays wide receiver and defensive back. His skills are developing fast. During practice, when he makes a play, he looks up to me in the stands ... and I respond with a thumbs-up.

During water breaks, Kennedy comes over to consult on his performance. I’m no Vince Lombardi, to be sure. So, I appreciate that he values my opinion.
Even our drive time is quality time. We’ll stop at Kwik Trip, grab a bite to eat, and talk over the events just transpired. The lessons Kennedy’s learning – sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership – will not be left on the football field.
While I’ve adjusted my working hours (to later), I wouldn’t trade this time with my son for anything. The fact that he’s already 10 years old floors me.
He’ll be off to college before I know it. This opportunity will only be here once. I don’t want to look back and think, “I wish I’d been more involved with Kennedy when he was doing (fill in the blank) …”
Are you taking advantage of every opportunity to spend time with those you love most? You should. Time accelerates, the older you (and your kids) get. Live in the present now, so you won’t have regrets later.
Not every outing or event will be a touchdown. Being together, though, cements your status as a team.
If you aren’t already in the game, get in soon … while there’s still time left on the clock.
Kennedy at football practice

Yet Another Way to Cover the World in Christ!

"Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow."
  Proverbs 13:11
The incredible transformation of C-Suite for Christ continues. We’ll announce our twelfth satellite chapter this week – an international outpost, no less!
The organization’s growth in the last year alone is miraculous. More members, more chapters, more online followers … all committed to covering the world in Christ.
Carrying out an ambitious mission like this isn’t easy. C-Suite for Christ provides seed financing for chapters. It holds regular events (including the 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration). Its staff is lean, yet payroll is a reality.
C-Suite for Christ’s funding comes from membership duescorporate sponsorsand S.W.A.G. Store sales. At the rate we’re growing, though, it’s not enough to sustain our mission to shed God’s light into the world’s darkest recesses.
Thus, we’ve created the Covering the World in Christ Fund.
We’ve partnered with the National Christian Foundation to accept tax-deductible contributions to support C-Suite for Christ. The NCF uses a secure, well-vetted platform. Donations can be made with confidence.
Why contribute to this new resource? It’s a means to support our mission if you don’t want to join C-Suite for Christ as a member … or become a sponsor … or plant a new chapter.
Don’t get me wrong: We’d love your partnership via one (or more) of these options. But if you prefer to defer, for whatever reasons, the Covering the World in Christ Fund offers a chance to engage. Your generosity will make a difference.

Fast-growing ministries can fail for a variety of reasons: strategic missteps. Personnel pratfalls. And, yes, finances.
Please prayerfully consider how you might invest to help spread God’s love. Tell others. There’s a lot at stake.
The future belongs to all of us. Do we want Christ to still be at its center?
The alternative is not attractive.  The more resources and partners we have, the more we can move forward – lovingly and empathetically – in God’s name.

Listen, Learn and Win!

Paul in the studio recording the C-Suite for Christ Podcast
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
  James 1:22
The C-Suite for Christ Podcast continues to be one of the most popular vehicles to help us “Cover the World in Christ.” It ranks in the top 3 percent of more than 3,200,000 podcasts on earth!
Have you subscribed? If not, how about some incentive?
Just go to the platform of your choice, including SpotifyAnchor or Apple Podcast. Subscribe. Take a screenshot with the “Subscribed” status visible. Send the image to me at by Sept. 1.
You’ll be entered into a drawing for a guest appearance on the podcast! The winner will be interviewed about their business and profession, as well as how Christ has influenced their life.
How much could this exposure be worth to you?
Given its surging popularity, the C-Suite for Christ Podcast is a powerful program to be associated with. Its Scripture-based content draws new listeners every weekly episode.
If you’re wondering how, take a listen!
Why not subscribe, too, and have the chance to hear yourself in the near future … on a podcast that puts God’s Word in the prominent place it deserves to be?
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