Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Sunday, August 20, 2023

YOUR Experience with the Holy Spirit




Last email we talked about the purpose of the second grace ushering in the Holy Spirit and our Second Grace Gifts. This week we're going to talk about the personal experience of receiving the Holy Spirit


Week 3: YOUR Experience with the Holy Spirit

You do not need to jump through hoops to get God’s attention. He is eager to answer your request for the infill of the Holy Spirit. So, all you have to do is ask for it - and expect Him to answer.

If your mind begins to cloud with doubt about the miracle that is taking place while you're receiving the Holy Spirit, just praise the Lord for what He is doing, focus your mind on him and not yourself.

The moment you are filled with the Spirit, you will receive the ability to speak or sing in your heavenly prayer language. Some people ask, “Do I have to speak in tongues?” God will not force you to do it, and it has nothing to do with salvation.  He offers this gift to anyone who wants it. It could be considered the least of the gifts—but it serves as a doorway to the supernatural realm and helps usher you into the deeper things of God.

One of the first things you will notice is a new boldness in Christ. Now go out and use it to further His Kingdom.

Tell us: What was YOUR experience like when being filled with the Holy Spirit? Reply to this e-mail and let us know!


Next week we'll talk about finding beauty in the storm.

Do you want to dig in a little deeper? You can pick up our study guide / spiritual journal for Episode 1: Breakthrough for a deeper look into receiving the Holy Spirit.



Have a great week.

The Presence Team 

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Freshwater Worship, Inc., PO Box 368, Terrell NC 28682


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