Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Get the care you need today!

Dear Peter -


Fairfax Care Groups provide a unique opportunity for us to gather with others who come together to share their lives, offer support, and encourage one another in their faith. Most groups meet for 4-5 weeks; others are ongoing. All are facilitated by our lay counselors.


Check out all our Care Groups and register today!


Through Care Groups, you can experience:

  • Spiritual Growth: Care Groups offer a rich environment for deepening our understanding of God's Word. We provide a safe space to ask questions and engage in thoughtful discussions that help you grow spiritually.
  • Emotional Support: Life's challenges can sometimes be overwhelming, but in a Care Group, we find a support system that listens, prays, and walks with us through difficult times where we can find comfort and beginnings of healing.
  • Community: Building relationships is vital for our faith journey. Care Groups foster a sense of belonging and authenticity as we share our lives, joys, and struggles with one another.

Our upcoming Care Groups start soon. We have a diverse range of groups, each led by dedicated facilitators who are eager to journey with you in faith. Whether you are new to Fairfax or have been with us for many years, we invite you to participate and experience belonging to a Care Group.

The Apostle Paul in Galatians said: "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." By actively engaging in Care Groups, we live out this principle and equip ourselves to better do what Jesus called us to do.


We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Care Group meetings and sharing in this enriching journey of faith together.



Kathleen Otchy



FAIRFAX.CC / 703.981.8664







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