Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Peter, who is this person for you?

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A Long Overdue Shout-Out

"Behind every successful man is a strong woman."
  Attribution unclear
Hate to say it, but this famous saying is beyond dated. Women are equally as successful as men today. Maybe some updating – such as “person” and “partner” – is in order?
Nevertheless, I completely acknowledge the saying’s point (in whatever form). I might be the guy traveling the world, giving keynote speaking engagements and being the public face of a rapidly-growing ministry … but my wife, Tanya, is the one who keeps it all together.
No way could I do what I do without her.
I often talk about the fun stuff I do with my three kids. Well, Tanya is the one who takes them to school, and to extracurricular activities, and to dentist appointments, and clothes shopping … you get the drift.
She’s the cornerstone of our household. As a stay-at-home mom, she dedicates her life to our family. She runs errands. Prepares meals. Keeps our house in order. Watches our children … while I’m recording podcasts, or doing sales training, or working on the next keynote speaking presentation.
I’m the public, “out there” face splashed all over. Hers isn’t – which is why this acknowledgment is long overdue.
She’s every bit as responsible for my success as I am. Zero doubt. No question.
She wouldn’t want me to give such a public “thank you” to her. She might even be upset.
Oh well. Thank you, my love. She deserves it, more than I can ever express.
Who are the cornerstone people in your life, who enable you to pursue your dreams and successes? Have you told them how much you appreciate them?
They deserve to know. If they’re like Tanya, they make daily sacrifices on your behalf. Don’t take them for granted.
You’re extremely fortunate to have this person(s) in your life … so be sure they understand the fortune of gratitude you hold for them.

Still Wanna Be a VIP? You Can!

"Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."
  1 Kings 18:37
Hate to break the news, but it’s not a surprise: VIP tickets for the March 7, 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration are sold out!

Every one of these ticketholders will enjoy a pre-event panel discussion that includes famed keynote speaker Tim Tebow. Many will meet him!

Tim doesn’t come to Wisconsin often. These VIP experiences are a really unique opportunity to see and hear him, up close and personal. His moving story of football stardom, and persecution for demonstrating his faith, is compelling and courageous.

Still interested in a VIP viewpoint? It’s possible.

Join the 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration as a sponsor! Every sponsorship package includes VIP tickets. You’ll enjoy a full behind-the-scenes experience … which includes meeting Tim!

Your brand will be featured prominently as one unafraid to align with God’s Word and Christ’s teachings. This audience will recognize and appreciate your support!

General admission tickets are selling steadily. Billboard and radio advertisements begin soon. The momentum keeps accelerating!

The 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration will be the biggest event ever for C-Suite for Christ. We expect 1,500+ attendees. The more participating, the further we can spread God’s love and inspiration.

Have you bought tickets yet? Why wait?

In-person and livestream options are available. Come to the Washington County (Wis.) Fair Park & Conference Center, or join virtually – just be there, as we strive to “Cover the World in Christ.”

Author of three New York Times-bestselling books, Tim Tebow uses Scripture to encourage people to pursue “a life of significance,” full of passion and purpose.

His message is not to be missed.

We guarantee you’ll find this a significant evening that you won’t forget!

Don’t Pass This Up!

Know where you can find Tim Tebow’s original, encouraging content? On
RightNow Media!
Access it by e-mailing me at I’ll give you a one-year subscription to this world-class content platform for free!
RightNow Media is the world’s largest Christian media organization.
Besides Tim’s material (and a LOT more), you’ll find content from luminaries such as John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey and Craig Groeschel.
Heck, I even have a few pieces (including “Getting Personal: Reinventing Effective Leadership and Employee Engagement”) on there!
Don’t wait to experience RightNow Media for yourself!
Contact me today, and let’s get your mind and soul in the “Right” place!
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