Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Positive Minute Daily Devotional: Loving Your Enemies

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Loving Your Enemies
October 21, 2023

“But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.” Matthew 5:39,40

One of the best ways to prove to God that you trust Him with your life is by loving your enemies. If you don't love offensive people or your enemies, you're saying God doesn't really have control over your life. Let me encourage you to test and see that loving offensive people is better for you in the end. Rather than obsessing over your comebacks, you become more friendly and relaxed...
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Many Start, Few Finish 
This Week's Episode

This week, Pastor Bobby encourages us from Philippians 3:10-14 and reminds us that God has something bigger for us than whatever it is we're going through, with his message, “Many Start, Few Finish.” Our interview guest is Andrew McNair, a wealth management specialist, podcast host, and author. He advises families on how to plan their estates and to leave legacies for generations to come. His new book, The Giving Crisis: Helping Average Givers Become Everyday Philanthropists, helps others understand tithing to the church and giving in the local community. Special music is provided by Connor Smith, a Los Angeles-based performer, studio vocalist, arranger and composer who has performed across the globe from renowned concert halls to the stages of Universal Studios Hollywood and the Disneyland Resort. Today, he sings "Lion and the Lamb," accompanied by Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra. Then, he and Sarah Grandpre perform "Me On Your Mind," also accompanied by the orchestra. Finally, the Hour of Power Choir, under the direction of Dr. Irene Messolaras, delivers a stirring rendition of "Lead Kindly Light/Amen." We hope you'll join us! 


Welcoming Angels
This Week's Offer

Because of the One who was heralded by the angels over 2,000 years ago, we are redeemed. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior and honor these symbols of God’s protection, we have two very special offers for you this month! For your gift of just $25 or more, we’ll send you our 2023 Angel Ornament. The fourth in a series of five collectible golden filigree designs, it’s handcrafted in the USA and features an intricate shape that’s formed from solid brass with a 24k gold finish — and a gold cord for hanging — so it can be suspended from a branch on your Christmas tree or placed on your favorite wreath. With your generous gift of $150 or more, we’ll send you the Angel Ornament and the exquisitely designed Angel Glitter Light. This intricate and stunning decoration features a beautifully lighted angel, held within an elegant water dome, with continuous swirling gold glitter, a gold sequined base to elevate the angel, and matching gold sequined-tipped wings with impeccable finishes and intricate details that will make a perfect addition to your home for Christmas. You can also give it as a reminder of the light of Jesus to a friend, family member, or neighbor! 


We Love Voices of Hope
Worship with our favorite children's choir today! 

Our incredible Voices of Hope Children's Choir continues to "wow" us with their beautiful music and warm hearts. We invite you to worship with us today as they share a powerful rendition of the popular song "Blessings." If this tune encourages you, be sure to check out more inspirational and uplifting music on our Hour of Power Music YouTube Channel. Thanks for being part of our church family — God loves you and so do we! 
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