Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, November 17, 2023

There's Freedom in Forgiveness

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Forgiveness allows us to become unentangled from toxic anxiety and stress so that we can become more of what God created us to be. Forgiveness is a non-negotiable practice for true followers of Jesus Christ!

Listen to these podcasts (and save the playlist!) for practical strategies to forgive and powerful conversations about setting yourself free in healthy, happy, and healing ways!

The Journey to Healing, Forgiveness, and Stronger Relationships

The Journey to Healing, Forgiveness, and Stronger Relationships

Tune in to hear practical advice on forgiveness and reconciliation.

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Nations At War. Time To Forgive?

Nations At War. Time To Forgive?

There is division across the US, turmoil around the globe, and torture in our own lives caused by the trauma of past abuses. Could forgiveness really be the key to bringing about resolution and freedom in all these areas?

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Will God Forgive Abortion?

Will God Forgive Abortion?

Actress Jessica Chow shares her story of going from a LA party girl to a Proverbs 31:30 woman of God and what she’s learned about forgiveness along the way.

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How Can God Forgive Sins Like Abuse, Rape, and Murder?

How Can God Forgive Sins Like Abuse, Rape, and Murder?

There are some sins that seem unforgivable... and yet God forgives. But He doesn’t forgive because those sins are okay. He doesn’t brush those sins under the rug and say, “I’ll let it slide this time, but try your best not to torture, rape, or murder anyone again.” That is not God’s response to these heinous acts. So what is His response?

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Foundations for Forgiveness

Foundations for Forgiveness

Through this Colossians 3 analysis, learn how to love well by leaning into the practice of “putting on” the fruit of the spirit so that we can learn to forgive.

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Forgiving Mom (Or Others) for Their Roles in Body Image Issues

Forgiving Mom (Or Others) for Their Roles in Body Image Issues

Tune in for a practical, step-by-step exercise in how to forgive family members or others for the things that they have said or done that have hurt us.

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Is It Possible to Truly Be Forgiven?

Is It Possible to Truly Be Forgiven?

If you’re struggling to forgive, don’t want to forgive, or are fed up with forgiving over and over again, this is the session for you!

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Prayers & Meditations to Help You Forgive:

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