Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, December 8, 2023

Free PDF: The Biblical Significance of Israel

A message from our ad partner:
From Stress to Joy

With the conflict going on in the Middle East many have asked whether Christians should support the modern state of Israel. It is a thought-provoking question on the minds of many which is why we want to share this incredible resource with you.

Jeff Pallansch, a researcher and staff writer for The John Ankerberg Show created this well-researched PDF. It will not only deepen your understanding of Israel's biblical importance but also provides a practical rationale behind its support.

Get Your Free Copy

Anchored in comprehensive research and biblical scriptures, the guide provides enriching knowledge about Israel's significance. After reading you will know:

  • How supporting Israel connects with biblical teaching and prophecy; from understanding God's promise of land to Israel in the Abrahamic Covenant to the framing of the practical case for support in present times.
  • Discover the role the Church can play in supporting Israel, emphasizing the importance of loving all nations equally and standing up against prejudice.
  • Gain insights into the beneficial global contributions of Israel, especially in the tech and medical sectors—a clear testament to Israel's dedication to fostering global progress.

Support for Israel doesn’t necessarily mean choosing one side over the other. It entails recognizing the nation's legitimate claim to the land while continuing to foster love, equality, and mutual respect for all, a central tenet to any thriving society.

This free guide serves as a potent tool for anyone wishing to grow their faith with profound knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of why Christians should unswervingly support Israel.

Whether you are a devoted Christian, an enthusiast of biblical history prophecy, or simply curious, this guide is an eye-opening journey into understanding Israel from both a biblical and practical perspective.

Together, let us continue to spread the message of God's love and eagerly await the quick return of Jesus Christ.

Warm regards,

Dr. John Ankerberg

Download your free copy of “Israel and the Christian Faith”

The John Ankerberg Show

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