Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, September 27, 2024

Entering the Weekend with Christ

Hi everyone,

As we enter this 5th Sunday of our Season of Creation, we learn about the pure wisdom that comes from God.  By embracing pure wisdom, we can live a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial to all of God's creation.  We just must be careful to not be hypocritical and say "Do what I say, not what I do"...or at least be a "sincere hypocritic" like this guy!


Pastor Tim

"God has led you to the desert, and spoken to your Heart."
Mount of Olives Lutheran Church
3546 E. Thomas Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85018
602-956-1620 office

Being Open to God’s Wisdom

Dear Siblings in Christ,

This fifth Sunday in the Season of Creation, we focus on “pure wisdom” throughout the Scriptures.  These passages explore the concept of pure wisdom, contrasting it with the destructive consequences of worldly wisdom and the importance of humility and unity within the Christian community.

Jeremiah 11:18-20: Worldly Wisdom and Its Consequence. Jeremiah denounces the false prophets who use their eloquence and worldly wisdom to deceive the people. Their deceitful words lead to disaster and destruction. This highlights the dangers of relying on human wisdom and eloquence, which can be misleading and harmful.

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a: Worldly Wisdom vs. Pure Wisdom with Humility and Unity. James contrasts pure wisdom, which is from above, with earthly wisdom, which is sensual, devilish, and divisive. Pure wisdom is characterized by peace, gentleness, righteousness, and mercy. It is not self-seeking or boastful. In contrast, earthly wisdom is full of bitterness, envy, strife, and confusion. It leads to discord and destruction. 

James emphasizes the importance of humility and unity within the Christian community. He warns against pride and self-exaltation, which lead to division and conflict. Instead, we should seek to serve one another and promote unity through love and forgiveness.

Mark 9:30-37: Humility and Service. Jesus teaches his disciples about the importance of humility and service. He uses the example of a child to illustrate how we should approach God and one another with humility and openness. He also emphasizes the need to welcome and care for the least among us, as this is a reflection of our love for God.

These passages offer a comprehensive understanding of pure wisdom. It is a wisdom that comes from God, characterized by humility, peace, gentleness, righteousness, and mercy. It is opposed to worldly wisdom, which is self-seeking, divisive, and destructive. Pure wisdom leads to unity, love, and service within the Christian community.

In our daily lives, we can strive to cultivate pure wisdom by:

  • Seeking God's guidance: We should turn to God in prayer and seek His wisdom through His Word.
  • Practicing humility: We should recognize our limitations and be willing to learn from others.
  • Promoting unity: We should strive to build relationships with others based on love, forgiveness, and mutual respect.
  • Serving others: We should seek to serve those around us, especially the least among us.

By embracing pure wisdom, we can live a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial to others.

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