Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Grab the Zchus as We Begin Ymei Harachamim

Living in Chutz Laretz, it’s hard to imagine the poverty of the families who benefit from Kupas Zichron Moshe. Their children don’t know the simple happiness of buying brand-new clothing from a store. There isn’t enough food on the table to keep an entire family satiated.


In the holy Zichron Moshe neighborhood, the sanctity of each mitzvah is tangible in the radiant joy it brings to each home. These precious families hold on to mitzvos as gems of immeasurable value, finding true satisfaction in their eternal reward. The fleeting delights of this world are removed from their minds, but their physical yom tov needs must still be met.

As the calendar moves through the year and the Yom Tov season arrives, there is raw fear. Who will provide for those who have nothing? For those pure, holy people who have nowhere to turn.

It’s amazing, really, that your donation can make such a difference to a family in need. And yet because of you, the entire atmosphere in the house changes to one of contentment and joy.

For some of these families, it is the difference between having fish and chicken for Yom Tov, or not.

Now, as the Yomim Noraim apporaches, we ask you to open your heart.


Here is the link to donate:


May the mitzvah of tzedakah stand by you always, and in this zechus may you and your family merit a Kesiva Vchasima Tova.



R Aron Nimerowski

Kupas Zichron Moshe


Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz

Harav Moshe Elyashiv

Harav Yitzchak Soloveitchik


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