Devotional Resources

I Am Lost: How to Pray to God for Guidance

Corine Gatti is a Senior Editor at

In a perfect world I would offer you this sage advice. “It will get better.” But we know differently, don’t we? When we are lost those four words are hollow—meaningless – we want clarity, not to spin ourselves in morbid circles of chaos.
To be blunt, people don’t need pretty wrapped words of when they have lack direction, they need a breakthrough. We need to go beyond people, and seek God for guidance, even though it seems we are blowing in the wind.
There are going to be times when we hear clearly what God wants, and then times, we feel like we are in a dessert. It helps to remind ourselves the times we were brought through the storms, and felt lost before. There is never an easy answer or formula, as we have a different path. But we can choose if we are going to keep suffering.“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God,” said Corrie Ten Boom.
Here are ways to help you.
1. We can begin by praying scripture. Psalm 25: 1-6 can be a start:
"To you, O LORD, I offer my prayer in you, my God, I trust. Save me from the shame of defeat-- don’t let my enemies gloat over me! Defeat does not come to those who trust in you, but to those who are quick to rebel against you. Teach me your ways, O LORD make them known to me. Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me I always trust in you.”
2. Be real and have it out with God. He is not surprised. He loves you, and approves of you. Author Joyce Meyer writes “Before you go any further, you need to know that God loves you. And not only does he approve of you, He’s smiling over you. You need to get that so deeply rooted within your heart that nothing can ever take it from you.”
3. Expect to hear back from God despite disruptions or negative emotions. God can speak though the word, people, and directly to you by the Holy Spirit. He speaks through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1).

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