A peacemaker's heart...
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."
-Matthew 5:9
You know what? I am too blessed to be angry. Life is too good to spend one moment being angry. I don't need to be angry. I don't need to be a victim. I am too blessed to be a victim. I am alive. God has given me so much. I've got my family, my friends, and my church. I live in Southern California. I don't need to be angry.
Of course, all of us have things that we can be angry about, or cause us to feel like victims. However, my friends, I'm admonishing you. Let it go. You don't need to be angry. You can be a peaceful person. You can smile. You can let your shoulders drop and you don't have to worry about getting back at people.
When someone says something bad about you, say something good about him or her. If someone cuts you off, just let them go. If someone cuts in front of you in line or someone e-mails you something bitter, just let it go. Just smile. And, if you need to confront someone, if you need to deal with someone, do it, but don't be angry. Have a peacemaker's heart and live in the easy yoke of Jesus. Don't worry, don't stress out, don't freak out, just smile and rest in Him and let the Lord be angry.
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me not to be so easily offended. Help me not to be burdened with revenge or anger or bitterness. I give it all to you. Amen.
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