Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A verse for anxiety

Dear Peter,

How are you doing? I’ve been thinking a lot lately about God’s incredible love and how He chooses to express it to and through people like you and me. Though we may face uncertainty and pain, Jesus takes every part of us — even our brokenness — and makes something beautiful. Despite living in a world that's hurting, we are all loved more than we can imagine. 

And that means you. 

You are precious in God’s eyes. You have something unique to bring to the world. Even tiny sparrows that are a dime a dozen have worth to Him. And if He cares about these common birds, how much more does He treasure you? Luke 5:7 says that He has the very hairs on your head numbered, and that means He’s watching over you right now. 

He’s also inviting you to be part of something bigger than yourself. When sparrows flock together in a ritual known as social singing, they fill the air with a sound that lifts our spirits and brings joy. And this is what happens when followers of Jesus band together to do something greater than they could do on their own. 

In fact, that’s what I’m inviting you to do today. 

If you’ve been blessed by the ministry of Hour of Power and our 53-year legacy of preaching the positive message of Jesus will you consider joining us as a Sparrow Partner? For your gift of just $20 a month, less than $0.70 a day, you help us get the Good News of God’s love to people who feel unworthy, stuck in shame, and need to know that there is hope beyond their circumstances.

We can’t carry out this critical mission without you, and as a way to say thank you for your ongoing investment, we’ll send you our exclusive Sparrow Bell Chime. Made of hand-painted ceramic with a peaceful sparrow perched on top, this beautiful gift makes a soothing sound when met with gentle breezes. 

Each time you hear it ring, you can think about the lives you are blessing with the incomparable knowledge that Jesus loves them. Not for anything they do but for who they are. Here’s your link to become a Sparrow Partner and claim your Sparrow Bell Chime today:

If you can’t become a Sparrow Partner right now, Peter, I understand. This has been a challenging season for many. But any gift you give right now will help this ministry share the positive message of the Gospel with those isolated and needing hope. 

I’m grateful for you and all the ways you make a difference! Thanks for being part of the life-changing work the Lord is doing through Hour of Power

God loves you and so do I,

Bobby Schuller

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