Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Monday, April 17, 2023

A unique opportunity


A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned a unique opportunity and asked you to pray about it. I hope you had a chance to do so. 

Recently, a generous friend of Hour of Power offered to double the monthly gifts of everyone who becomes a monthly donor - for an entire year! This means your recurring gifts will go twice as far in bringing the positive message of Jesus to people all around the world. 

But only if you become a monthly donor before April 30. 

Peter, I know you’ve personally experienced the freedom and power that come from embracing the unconditional love of Jesus. Unfortunately, there are still millions of people isolated from this message, believing that they aren’t good enough for God — that they have to become something different before He will love them. 

But you can change that by helping them hear the same transformational message you received. The Good News of Jesus.

Will you become a monthly donor today to reach millions more with the power and barrier-breaking love of Jesus?

By becoming a monthly partner with Hour of Power, you will ensure not only the continuation of our fifty-year legacy of preaching God’s Word, but the expansion of it as well. You will bring hope to the hopeless, truth to the seeker, peace to the anxious, joy to the discouraged, and love to the lonely. 

Thank you, Peter, for helping us share Jesus with the world. 

God loves you and so do I, 

Bobby Schuller

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