Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Operation Christmas Child, Thursday May4... Don't Miss This

Hello Fellow OCC Volunteers, and donors
You are  invited to our OCC Speaker Event featuring Pastor Mark Brumbelow and his wife Cherry this coming Thursday, May 4 from 6:00 to 7:30 pmat Broadway Christian Church located at 7335 East Broadway Rd, Mesa, 85208
Please join us at this event and hear about how God is using the Brumbelows for His glory. My wife Pam and I are planning on attending, so we hope to see you there!

The attached flyer contains additional information about the Event. 

If you are not the correct contact for Operation Christmas Child, please forward this to whomever your OCC volunteer coordinator at your church or organization.
And if you would, please respond to me with any changes in your organization's OCC volunteer contact information so we can update our database.

May God Bless Your Service,
Joe Mayes,
OCC Administrative Volunteer



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