Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Monday, April 17, 2023

You Are Deeply Loved.

A message from our ad partner:
Explore God's Extravagant Love for You
Do you know how deeply you are loved?

God’s love for you is beyond measure. So much so, He gave His son as a sacrifice.

While the extravagance of human rulers is usually marked by riches and possessions, the extravagant love of God gives for the sake of others.

In her new book, Extravagant Love: Exploring God’s Passion for Usnationally known speaker and bestselling author Engle Avriett dives deep into Scripture, helping each of us connect with the true heart of God. She carefully studies twelve of God’s most extravagant characteristics, including thoughtfulness, creativity, and mercy. As God’s personality comes alive on the page, you will be transformed by his love.

“God’s love for us…is lavish to the point of being almost nonsensical,” Avriett says. “Once we begin to perceive the sort of love He has for us…our innermost beings start to change. Because in the face of such unveiled extravagance, we catch a tiny glimpse of ourselves as He sees us and what we could be.”

In Extravagant Love, Avriett pulls from well-known stories like that of the thief on the cross in the book of Luke, as well as lesser-known Old Testament stories like Aaron’s almond branch in the book of Exodus to examine God’s relationship with his people throughout history. As a scholar of history, Avriett provides cultural insights and context by exploring ancient customs and symbols from Biblical times so that the full weight of each passage is revealed.

Let His love fill your heart and soul. Dive deep into Extravagant Love and you will gain a deeper understanding of God’s love.
Click Now to Buy Extravagant Love >
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