Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Cold Call Coach

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The Greatest Gift Ever!

We recently celebrated my daughter, Reagan’s, sixth birthday. It was yet another reminder of how fast time goes, and life evolves.
The day was celebratory. She was excited to open presents. It’s what we do on birthdays, right?
Yet the occasion struck me for another reason. A role reversal was at work.
I realized once again how much she was a gift to me.
I love Reagan totally, completely, and unconditionally. Nothing she might do, good or bad, could make me love her more.
This reality teaches me, over and over, about the strength of God’s love.
Yes, I’m learning from a 6-year-old.
God loves us the way I love Reagan. He doesn’t care about our missteps. He forgets our pasts, and the mistakes we’ve made. He will accept us into Heaven, freely and joyfully.
Nothing we do – or have done - will lessen God’s love for us. The past is past. No one is too far gone, despite feelings of shame or inadequacy that might haunt their soul.
The joy of my daughter’s mere presence makes life less burdensome for me. I hope this shoulder-tap, about God’s caring for you, has the same effect.
It’s a gift we receive every day.
If you realize it more on some days than others, that’s probably just a cue to appreciate a blessing that’s obvious in the moment.

Live in it, and be thankful for every one you have.

Double Digits? No Doubt!

“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.
– John 17-18
Do you believe the notion of “Covering the World in Christ” is just a far-off dream? The evidence says otherwise!

I’m thrilled to announce three new chapters of C-Suite for Christ have recently opened! In just two short years, nine satellite chapters of this ecumenical, faith-driven group have been planted across the U.S.

Professionals of faith in Washington, D.C, Dayton, Ohio, and Charleston, S.C., now have a new organization where they can share fellowship and God’s love. If they’re like the other chapters, membership growth will be fast and formidable!

The thirst for Christ in our society is undeniable. More and more people are pushing back against secularism. These are believers unafraid to proclaim Whose they are.

When the world seems increasingly chaotic, Christ’s unwavering presence and love beckon like a beacon on a stormy night. The bold entrepreneurs opening these new C-Suite for Christ chapters are heeding God’s clarion call to build His fortresses.

If you live near any of these new chapters (or others), I encourage you to reach out and learn more. Each will soon have its own LinkedIn page and web site.

If you don’t have a chapter of C-Suite for Christ where you live … is it time to start one?

Is God telling you the need is real, and the audience ready?

You can be a part of a cause greater than yourself, with rewards beyond belief.

Whether it’s your full-time role, or a side job with purpose, don’t wait to inquire about the opportunity.

Why? We’ll be announcing a tenth chapter in the very near future! With every chapter having a 75-mile no-compete radius, geography will eventually come into play to limit new openings.

Act soon, before someone else in your area does!

When I founded C-Suite for Christ in late 2018, I never dreamt of organizational growth this far, this fast. I underestimated God’s will.

Needless to say, I won’t make that mistake again!

How About Attending the 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration for Free?

“Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
– 1 Corinthians 5:8
If you’ve followed this newsletter for any time, you know the 2023 Covering the World in Christ Celebration was an amazing, joy-filled spectacle.

You’ve probably also heard that the 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration features none other than Tim Tebow!

Hopefully you’re intrigued. So how about if you could attend this powerful March 7 event for free?

You can! Just reply to this message with the word “Ticket.” I’ll give away a free general admission ticket (in-person or livestream, both a $39 value) to the first 100 respondents!

Even if you’ve already bought tickets – and many have – it’s an opportunity to bring one more person to experience this incredible event. What better way to honor the Great Commission?

Tim Tebow has a moving, deeply personal story that played out on TV across the nation. After winning college football’s Heisman Trophy and entering the NFL as a first-round draft pick, he faced withering criticism for openly proclaiming his faith and praying on the field.

He didn’t back down.

As someone who prioritizes Christ above all, Tim wouldn’t compromise his principles. He knows all too well the persecution that a devoted follower of Jesus can face.

His personal tale, coupled with a soon-to-be-announced musical act, sets up the 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration as a “can’t-miss” gig. It’s being held at the Washington County Fair Park and Conference Center in West Bend, Wis. (and available worldwide via livestream).

Act fast, and you won’t miss it!

Reply to this message now, and hope you’re among the first 100 to do so.

It’s your chance to enjoy a night to remember, at a price you’ll love!
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