Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Free eBook: Hidden Secrets Revealed—Sodom's Tragic Demise

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Has Biblical Sodom Been Found?

Get the Free PDF Download ‘Sin Cities of the Bible’

Scientists in modern-day Jordan have uncovered evidence of a giant meteor exploding in the atmosphere nearly 4,000 years ago that could account for the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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It is described as a “highly unusual catastrophic event” that occurred 3,600 years ago high above Tall El-Hamman, Jordan, that left a “charcoal-rich destruction layer” in the ground. At least 50,000 people lived in it and the surrounding area at the time, scientists estimate.

Hear what the archeologist, Dr. Steven Collins, Dean of the College of Archaeology at Trinity Southwest University, who discovered Tall el-Hammam, Joel C. Rosenberg, and Dr. Carl Moeller have to say about this remarkable find including...

  • The impact this find has had globally
  • The reasons why God destroyed Sodom
  • How the world is walking on the precipice of destruction as it happened in Sodom

...and as a Christian, what should you do now with this discovery?

We invite you to check out this FREE resource from Joel C. Rosenberg and Dr. Carl Moeller at The Joshua Fund called ‘Sin Cities of the Bible’ which shines some light on this groundbreaking discovery and how it ties in with Scripture.

We hope you’re encouraged by what God’s Word has to say!

Download ‘Sin Cities of the Bible’ ⟩

Founded by best-selling author Joel C. Rosenberg and his wife Lynn in 2006, The Joshua Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1–3

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