Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

It's Okay Not To Be Okay By Sheila Walsh

Day Four: Do it Afraid

On an African safari, my guide pointed out a gorgeous antelope. He was off on his own and frozen stiff. And crouching in the tall grass, was a lion. My guide explained that the antelope runs faster than the lion, but the antelope becomes paralyzed by fear.

In the same way, the possibility of failure or rejection keeps us frozen in place. Our culture pushes a “do it perfectly or don’t do it at all” kind of pressure. The truth is that all of these outcomes are possible, but that doesn’t have to stop us.

Perhaps you stepped out in the past, convinced you were doing the right thing but it didn’t go as planned. I’ve been there. Many biblical characters have too—Mary, Elijah, and Gideon to name a few. 

Not one person who communicated their fear to God, was ever shamed. God is never put off by our fear. Instead, He responds with comfort. To Mary He said, “Don’t be afraid, for you have found favor with God,” Luke 1:30. To Gideon, “I will be with you. It is all right. You will not die,” Judges 6:16, 23. When Elijah was overwhelmed by fear and hopelessness, the Lord gave him a hot meal and deep rest (1 Kings 19:3-9). 

Even with God’s comfort, Mary, Elijah, and Gideon didn’t know what would happen. They still faced the possibility of failing the tasks ahead. All they knew was that God was with them. So they did it afraid. 

Fear is never more than a thought away. If we wait to step out in action until our fear has faded, we will never live the lives we were meant to live. When the questions and worries cross our mind, let the truth of God’s word be more powerful than your fear. It is alright, God is with you. You can do it afraid. 

Reflection Question

What step are you afraid to take, what are the concerns holding you back? How might you move forward in a small way today, even in your fear? 


As you pray today, bring your fears and worries before God. Ask Him to remind you of His comforting promises and strengthen you with His presence. 

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