Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Monday, October 16, 2023

4 Key Steps to Accomplish Any Goal! [THE MAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER]


Greetings & Salutations My Brothers!

This week, I wanted to simply share 4 Key Steps from the Man School Masterclass to Accomplish Any Goal you may have! We obviously go into much more detail over the course of our 6 month Masterclass, but here is a really brief summary to reinforce this knowledge if you ever find yourself drifting or getting a little off track.

  1. VISION - Get SUPER-CLEAR about your goal or whatever it is you want to bring about. Clarity = POWER. Remember the words from the Bible; Where there is no vision, the people perish… (Proverbs 29:18)

  1. ‘EMBODIMENT’ - Figure out who you need to become in order to make it happen. What additional skills (if any) do you need to acquire or leverage from someone else? What enhanced mindset do you need to employ? Who do you need to surround yourself with?

  1. INSPIRED ACTION - Accomplishing goals requires action (either yours, others or BOTH). You cannot expect consistent results from just hoping and wishing alone. Figure out what actions will get you closer to your goal(s) & start doing them …DAILY!


  1. SURRENDER - Let go of the outcome & leave the rest to God. You get to decide the ‘WHAT’ but the WHEN & HOW are God’s business!

REMEMBER: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. And also remember to marinade all of these steps with a POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE & PRAYER!

“Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (The words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:19-20).

“The person who has a Goal or Definite Major Life Purpose of exceptional noteworthy proportions, must remain always a student, and he must learn from every possible source, especially those sources from which he may acquire specialized knowledge and experience related to his major purpose.” Napoleon Hill

May the Blessings of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding & Confidence, along with the virtues of humility, patience & service, be with you all! God Bless & God-speed my friends!



P.S. On a personal note, I took the family on a ‘working vacation’ a few weeks ago. We drove through Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Tetons, & went fishing on some blue ribbon trout streams over the pass in Idaho! The Fall colors were stunning, and the fishing was amazing (my wife Angela caught the biggest Rainbow Trout of all!) I wanted to share a few photos here:

If you know of men who are looking to improve their lives, please encourage them to look at investing in The Man School! They can start by taking a free quiz HERE:  Man School Quiz | Start Here (

*We invite you to stay connected with our community by joining our new 
TMS OPEN Facebook Page*

  1. Webinar updates:

  • I will be hosting a brief free webinar on October 25th at 8pm Eastern to introduce the Man School Free Course going live in Q-1 2024. This will be a smaller ‘lighter’ introductory  version of the foundational Man School Masterclass.

  • How To Discern Your Calling Webinar Replay is now available. Watch here in case you were not able to attend live. 

  • Watch the replay of the TMS "Goal Setting" webinar here.

  1. For the women in your life:
    It is time to Armor Up! Join January Donovan on October 18th at 8:30 PM EST for the TWS Live Webinar on “How To Be A Woman”.  Secure your spot here.
    The TWSE Strong Daughter’s Webinar Replay is now available. Watch here.

    -Don’t forget to register for the “How To Be A Woman” free course and join classes starting this November. Click here to register.

  2. Are you interested in learning more about our Wholeness Coaching School Opportunities? If so, check out our new web page here.

  3. Looking to learn more about January or to book her for an upcoming speaking engagement - check out our new media page here.


Bill & Angela Schnieders talk about having a Growth Mindset in marriage! 
"Healing in the Marriage"

Call to Action

How can you make the final Quarter of this year extremely fulfilling, joyous & successful!?

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