Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, October 13, 2023

See How You Can Help Israel Today!


A message from our ad partner:

C H R I S T I A N S  U N I T E D  F O R  I S R A E L

Emergency Israel Appeal

Israel is at war and the Jewish people need our help today!


On Saturday, October 7, while Israeli citizens celebrated the end of Sukkot, over 1,500 Palestinian terrorists waged a coordinated and vicious attack against the nation of Israel. Thousands of rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel aimed at towns full of innocent civilians, setting whole communities ablaze.



This horrendous attack has left Israelis in a state of profound shock and wracked with grief. We can collectively extend comfort and compassion to our Jewish brothers and sisters by giving our best gift.

CUFI Video

Right now, as mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and grandparents grieve the loss of their loved ones and first responders gather the dead and care for the wounded, this is our time to show love and generosity for a nation suffering one of its darkest hours.


That is why CUFI is sending $1 million to Israeli life-saving entities immediately. Additionally, we are starting a national campaign calling on you to join this fight and donate to this effort. Let’s not just tell Israel we stand with them; let’s show them! 100% of all funds raised from this campaign will go directly to Israel to meet the needs wrought from this gruesome war.


Please click here to support his campaign!

Your gift today will directly support Israeli First Responders and hospitals - who’ve been inundated with casualties and have even suffered losses amongst their own ranks - as they ensure those in need receive life-saving supplies and emergency medical care.


October 7 was the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust but make no mistake: Israel is shaken but it is not defeated.


Within 48 hours of the attack, Israeli troops managed to neutralize terrorists inside Israeli communities in the south. In addition, a massive mobilization took place, with an unprecedented 300,000 Israeli reservists called to service to safeguard their people and rescue the captives.


With God’s help, in the upcoming days and weeks, Israel will defeat her enemies and calm will be restored.


I ask that you show your support by standing with Israel and the Jewish people like never before by giving your best gift.




Pastor John Hagee


PO BOX 1307 San Antonio, TX 78295-1307



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