Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, January 5, 2024

Called to the Cross: A Story of Beginnings, Baptism and Beyond

Reflection for 010724

Called to the Cross: 

A Story of Beginnings, Baptism and Beyond

Siblings in Christ,

Today, we stand at the beginning of a new year, with the same calling to follow Jesus. The Genesis of creation, the baptism of transformation, and the testing in the wilderness. Three different stories, and each whispering the same truth: that we are called to the cross, a call woven into the tapestry of our lives from the very beginning.

In Genesis, we hear the thunderous "In the beginning, God created..." (Genesis 1:1). A universe birthed, not from chaos, but from divine breath. And within that creation, nestled in the image of God, are we. Beloved children, born into a world imbued with purpose, called to be stewards, co-creators in the ongoing song of existence.

Yet, nestled within this beauty is a dissonance, a yearning. Enter the second passage, where Paul encounters disciples in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-7). They have faith, but something is missing. "Have you received the Holy Spirit?" Paul asks, and their answer speaks volumes - "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." A gap stands between knowing and experiencing, between belief and baptism.

This gap is bridged in Mark's Gospel, where we find Jesus at the Jordan (Mark 1:4-11). John baptizes, preparing the way, and then, the heavens open. The Spirit descends like a dove, and the Father's voice declares, "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." Jesus, the beloved, the perfect reflection, enters the waters of humility, not for cleansing, but for connection. Jesus, the beginning and end, steps into the river of transformation, a call not for himself, but for us.

We are called to follow. Called to step into the Jordan, not of water, but of surrender. To acknowledge the gap within, the yearning for wholeness, and to seek the baptism of the Spirit. For when the heavens open, and the flame of grace descends upon us, then we, too, are declared beloved, empowered to step onto the path that leads to the foot of the Cross.

This path is not always easy. The wilderness awaits, with its temptations and trials. Yet, we walk not alone. Jesus, baptized and tested, walks beside us, the Spirit serving as a torch in the darkness. The call to the cross may seem daunting, a burden too heavy to bear. But remember, it is not about carrying the cross; it is about allowing it to carry us. To surrender our burdens, our fears, our limitations, and embrace the humility, the love, the radical surrender that Jesus embodied on that cross.

So, let us go forth, baptized and called. Let us be co-creators in the world, stewards of love, bearers of the Spirit's flame. Let us stumble through the wilderness, hand in hand with Jesus, knowing that the call to the cross is not an ending, but a beginning. A beginning of redemption, of transformation, of becoming the beloved children we were always meant to be.

Remember, brothers and sisters, the Spirit whispers in the wind, the Father's voice echoes in our hearts. We are called. We are beloved. And in the shadow of the cross, we find the light that leads us home.

May God bless you and keep you, may God's face shine upon you and be gracious to you, may God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

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