Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Call to Discipleship: Faith, Witness and Transformation

The Call to Discipleship: Faith, Witness and Transformation

Siblings in Christ, Sunday’s readings call us to deepen our discipleship, inviting us to contemplate how faith, witness, and transformation binds us to each other in Christ.  We journey from the whispered call of God in the darkness to the vibrance of community life, where lives are forever changed by the encounter with the Divine through each of us.

In John, we hear Jesus’ simple invitation: “Follow me.”  Philip, ignited by the spark of faith, seeks out Nathanael, whispering, "We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, the one the prophets promised—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph!"

Nathanael feels “seen” by Jesus, before they even connect, as Jesus shares how "I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you." This profound recognition pierces through Nathanael's doubts, leading him to declare, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel!"  Nathanael, touched by the love of Jesus, experiences a personal revelation that transforms his life.

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, reminds us that discipleship is not a solitary journey. We are called together in Christ as a community, each contributing to the richness of the whole with our unique gifts from God.

Paul's words resonate with the call to discipleship. We are not slaves to our desires, but stewards of God's gift of life. Our bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit, are to be used for His purpose, not consumed by the fleeting pleasures of the world. In community, we hold each other accountable, supporting one another on the path of righteousness.

In Samuel, we see how a young boy who hears God's voice in the stillness of the night, learns to discern the small, quiet voice of God and to respond “Here I am”. His transformation, from a naive boy to a powerful voice for God, is a testament to the transformative power of discipleship.

These passages reveal the richness and complexity of discipleship. It is a faith, ignited by the spark of encounter with Christ. It is a community of witness, where lives are transformed and interwoven in the service of God. It is a journey of transformation, where we learn to discern God's voice and live in accordance with His will.  It is through our Faith in Action Together that we deepen our discipleship.

As we enter this weekend, let us nurture the spark of faith within ourselves and share it with others. Let us embrace the tapestry of community, offering support and encouragement to our fellow believers. And let us commit ourselves to the lifelong journey of transformation, allowing God's voice to guide us and shape us into His people.  Amen.

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