Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Everlasting Love of the Good Shepherd

Hi everyone,

This Sunday we hear from Jeremiah about the "shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!"  Now this does not mean that we are called to be simply "mediocre" in our care and love for each other in Christ's flock.

Pastor Tim

"God has led you to the desert, and spoken to your Heart."
Mount of Olives Lutheran Church
3546 E. Thomas Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85018
602-956-1620 office

The Everlasting Love of 

the Good Shepherd

Siblings in Christ, our readings today paint a beautiful picture of God's love for us, a love likened to that of a shepherd for his flock.

Jeremiah cries out against false shepherds who mislead the people. These leaders are self-serving, scattering the flock instead of gathering them. They bring fear and uncertainty. This resonates with times in our own lives when we feel lost, unsure of where to turn. We yearn for true leadership, someone who will guide us with compassion and care.

Ephesians offers a powerful message of hope. We were once like scattered sheep, separated from God by our actions. But through Christ's sacrifice, the dividing wall is broken down. We are welcomed into God's fold, becoming part of his family, a holy temple built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ himself as the cornerstone.

Mark's Gospel tells the story of Jesus' compassion for the crowds who come to him like sheep without a shepherd. He sees their weariness and teaches them with patience. He even heals the sick among them. Jesus is the embodiment of the Good Shepherd, the one who lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:11).

Throughout our Scriptures for this Sunday, we hear of God’s unfailing love. God’s free gift of grace is God’s promise of everlasting love through the Old Testament and found anew in Christ’s death and resurrection we commemorate each Sunday in our Holy Communion.

How can we experience this love more deeply?

  • Recognize our need for a shepherd. We are not designed to navigate life alone. We need the wisdom and guidance of God, found in prayer, scripture, and through the fellowship of believers.
  • Seek out the Good Shepherd. Jesus offers his love and forgiveness freely. By turning to him in faith, we can find peace and purpose.
  • Become part of the fold. The church is a community of believers, a safe haven where we can support and encourage one another.

The world can be a harsh place, full of uncertainty and danger. But within the fold of the Good Shepherd, we find love, acceptance, and a path to a brighter future.

Let us go forth, then, with hearts full of gratitude for God's love. Let us share this love with others, becoming instruments of God's peace in a world that desperately needs it.

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