Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Who Are Your Priorities?

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Who Are Your Priorities?

A metaphorical blink of the eye … and my daughter, Reagan, is 6.
Where did the time go? Reagan is the youngest of my three children. Thus, every one of her birthdays really hits home.
When my first son was born (11+ years ago!), people warned me. Time will accelerate, they said. Grab every moment with your kids. Before you know it, the opportunities will diminish.
They were right. The clock doesn’t seem to move faster. Just the years.
Perhaps like yourself, I’m far from a perfect parent. I lost the owner’s manual years ago. Some personal traits, especially workaholism, got in the way. I did my best to realize, and overcome, challenges that undermined these priceless relationships.
Dudes Weekend, when my two sons and I embark every summer for two weeks of male bonding time, was one answer. If nothing else, it’s our attempt to help ensure the pizza industry stays in business.
Daddy-Daughter Weekend was another. A few times a year, Reagan and I escape for a few days. We hole up in a hotel. Transform into fish at its pool. Tell lots of goofy jokes. Wander through malls. Eat plenty of pizza (maybe it’s hereditary?).
Our recent Daddy-Daughter weekend coincided with Christmas break. We normally go away for two or three days. This time, we took five.
A big part of these excursions is just listening to Reagan. She gets my total, undivided attention (which isn’t always the case at home).

As she talks about her friends, school, video games, and myriad other topics important to a 6-year-old, I’m reminded of how fast she’s growing up. Every year she has more and more interests. Her subject matter keeps growing.
It’s amazing, and sobering, all at the same time. Yet I’m so, so grateful to have the opportunity to hear about her expanding world. Maybe – just maybe – I’m doing OK with her. Not “Parent of the Year” good … just, something.
Someone will spend time with your children. Increasingly, as they mature, it’s teachers, coaches and friends. The window for we parents, to enjoy true quality time with our kids, is relatively small. Steal every minute you can, when they’re younger and still largely available.
You can never go wrong being with children. Or a spouse. Or parents. Or brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews … the list goes on.
Time really is fleeting. You don’t notice it day to day. Yet the calendar pages turn quickly.
Figure out what – or rather, who – your priorities are, and invest your time wisely.
Paul and Reagan's Daddy-Daughter Weekend

A Two-Day Event? You Got It!

Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.”
Psalms 150:2
We’re expecting 2,000 attendees at the March 7, 2024 Covering the World in Christ Celebration. Yes, you read that number correctly!

People are literally traveling from around the world to hear keynote speaker Tim Tebow and superstar Christian musician Matt Maher. They know this will be a joyous, inspiring, blow-the-roof-off festival of God’s love!

With all these people arriving, why not broaden the horizons a bit?

Instead of just celebrating our goal of “Covering the World in Christ” … why not equip people with the tools and knowledge to do so?

Well, it’s happening!

I’m thrilled to announce a full day of Christian professional development - the first-ever Covering the World in Christ Conference - will be held March 6 at Mount Mary University in Milwaukee!

Everyone, regardless of whether they’re attending the Covering the World in Christ Celebration, can join this day of learning. Its focus will be on preparing disciples to take God’s Word where it most needs to be heard.

Participants can take advantage of four professional development sessions, led by members of the C-Suite for Christ Speakers Bureau. Worship, prayer, and fellowship will be integrated into the eight-hour event. Registration opens at 7:45 a.m.

This is an opportunity to learn from top Christian thought leaders, and network with fellow professionals. Don’t miss it!

Attendance is limited to 375. Nearly half the registrations, though, are already filled!

If you’d like to attend, e-mail me ASAP at A nominal charge will be involved to cover the prayer breakfast and lunch.

The Covering the World in Christ Conference is another step by C-Suite for Christ to meet a need that’s abundantly apparent. People are thirsting for the Holy Word, and the peace of Christ in their lives.

An unsettled world – and the fear it incurs – makes God’s loving embrace more welcomed and desired than ever.

If you’re feeling this, don’t wait to seek Him out. He’s been waiting for you all along.

What Can Tim Tebow Sign for You?

“... but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”
Proverbs 1:33
Tim Tebow, keynote speaker at the March 7 Covering the World in Christ Celebration, has autographed a lot of items.
Here’s your chance to get ahold of one!
Go to the C-Suite for Christ Podcast on SpotifyAnchor or Apple Podcast. Add a five-star review to its long list of similar sentiments.
Take a screenshot of your review. E-mail it to me at
You’ll be entered to win a keepsake autographed by Tim Tebow - former Heisman Trophy winner, NFL quarterback and bestselling author!
Deadline for entries is Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. CST. The winner will be notified Jan. 29.
The lucky person can choose from several prize options. Tim will be signing photos, apparel, and football memorabilia prior to his appearance in our faith-filled extravaganza at the Washington County (Wis.) Fair Park & Conference Center.
While you’re on a C-Suite for Christ Podcast platform, why not take a listen?
This wildly-popular broadcast – 30,000+ downloads and counting - offers a beacon of peace, love, and solace in a troubled world.
If you are worn down by bad news and relentless negativity, this podcast might be the balm your soul craves.
You’ve nothing to lose – and everything to gain. Find out why it’s among the top 2 percent of all podcasts on Earth for listenership and engagement!
Leave a five-star review … enter the drawing for a Tim Tebow-signed prize … and possibly discover a new source of hope and inspiration.
Sounds like a five-star experience all around!
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